Monday, March 19, 2012

Feature: Go To The Future Minisite Translations

Well, I had some time to finally do this. Presenting... translations of the GO TO THE FUTURE Minisite!

Take note that the original text was in 2007 and whatever is translated here is of them and their feelings during then, so it may have changed. However, the self-liners gives a nice insight into the album.

(It is always difficult to translate Yamaguchi's complex written thoughts, so sorry for any translation errors.)


Yamaguchi Ichiro (Vo&G)
Born in: Otaru City
Hobbies: Fishing, reading
Favorite Artists: YMO, Aoki Takamasa, Thom Yorke (Radiohead), CORNELIUS
Artist Influences: Nagadzumi Takashi (Hanaregumi)

Iwadera Motoharu (G)

Born in: Sapporo City
Hobbies: Cooking, drinking, driving, manga
Favorite Artists: Fishmans, XTC, The Beatles, AUTA
Artist Influences: XTC, Daft Punk

Kusakari Ami (B)

Born in: Tokyo
Hobbies: Green things, driving
Favorite Artists: Paul Klee
Artist Influences: kicell, Karala Schickele

Okazaki Emi (Key)

Born in: Otaru City
Hobbies: Movie appreciation
Favorite Artists: Radiohead, Rolling Stones, Sigarros, Phoenix, CORNELIUS
Artist Influences: Shiina Ringo

Ejima Keiichi (Dr)

Born in: Sapporo City
Hobbies: Rearing tropical fish
Favorite Artists: Sting
Artist Influences: Abe Kazuhito

Self-liner notes on each song by Yamaguchi Ichiro

Mikadzuki Sunset

A song I wrote while watching the moon casually. When the band tried to arrange this song, we were troubled because it did not fulfill the image that we thought for the song, and it was only finally completed recently. In the sense that we will change with the times as it passes, this is the song most Sakanaction-like.

Inner World

This was written long ago in the cold room that I lived in before I moved. Because I left it to the momentum of that time period and written recklessly, I cannot remember well about when I finished writing the song. I finished writing the lyrics in about 10 minutes. The song was attacked while I thought the the feelings of those days that "to move is the only thing".


It was made with being a parody of a mix of American and French styles in mind, so there's a strong element of playfulness in the song. When I look back, it is the song that all the current members worked together on for the first time. If this song makes you laugh, it is as we aimed.


A song that reflects the heart of Yamaguchi Ichiro as it is now. Originally an acoustic song that was not in triple time, it was changed to triple time and the band got stuck arranging it. Not just the lyrics, but also the melody and arrangement, were one step ahead, conscious of the future. It is the most "rock" song by far of Sakanaction.


A sad song I wrote while in a sunny spot of a house. The arrangement had already been decided at the instant I completed the original melody. This song is like a miracle. Being gloomy, there are time periods where I could not see on both my left and right, there are also some meanings that to me seem like hopes.


A song I wrote when I had just moved to Sapporo. Be it the new environment, new friends, or life, I came in touch with a different society from before and it was a song that was conscious of the sociality that myself took on. I tried to get as close to the pop music line as i could possibly forgive myself for. I started thinking, "can't music be eaten?", it might have been born because of that.

Shiranami Top Water

I made it when I was most actively playing around. Just fishing like a fool, while on the other hand, time spent in moratorium slipping away had also started to make me feel uneasy. A song that makes me remember of the time when I was still a little immature.

Yoru no Higashigawa

I made this song thinking, I always wanted to sing when I am fishing from night until morning at the usual breakwater I fish at.

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