Saturday, December 1, 2012

sakanaction's new work is the band's first "one-coin single"

It has been announced that sakanaction will be releasing a new single (title to be announced) on 23 January 2013.

The band's first release of 2013 is also the first time they are releasing a "one-coin single" - a single that costs 500 yen. 500 yen is the largest denomination of coins in Japanese currency, thus it is called a "one-coin single" since it will cost just one coin.

The single will contain two tracks. It will be released in both limited first press and regular editions, and the limited edition will have a special packaging. Both versions cost 500 yen. Details will be released at a later date.

Isn't it exciting? I'm sure they are thinking of trying to make their music reach more people, thus the price. With the single at just 500 yen, about half off the usual cost of a regular edition, there'll be less excuse for fans not to buy!


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