Saturday, October 11, 2014

[Feature] Sakana LOCKS! - About Hasu no Hana

This post is a translation of the transcript of the 9 October 2014 episode of Sakana LOCKS! radio program, provided on their website.

This episode discusses sakanaction's new song "Hasu no Hana" and its two versions.

(As always, please note there may be mistakes.)

This is not exactly full transcript as the last bit is a separate segment related to their project with Kanro throat candies and fans sending in their singing clips.

The remix on the B-side is... done by Cornelius who my mum loves!! This... might be a great chance for her to listen to sakanaction!!!! Yay.

From "Hokkaido"/Female/14/Aichi Prefecture



(Laughs) That's nice that your mum likes Cornelius. This time in sakanaction's new single "Sayonara wa Emotion/Hasu no Hana", we had a remix by Cornelius included as a B-side. And, it's a remix of "Music". Actually, I had requested to Cornelius saying "any song is fine". So, it was by his wishes that he remixed "Music". Apparently, Cornelius' son likes sakanaction. When I caught news of that, I immediately made the offer, thinking if he'd accept it. And so he did it. Really thank you so much. It's a wonderful piece of work. When you hear "Sayonara wa Emotion", "Hasu no Hana", then the dance music that is "Ame (B) -SAKANATRIBE×ATM version-", then "Music (Cornelius Remix)", it's like a mini-album. I'll talk about it in more detail another time, but we finished a really amazing single, so I'd really like everyone to listen to it.

In this episode I'll talk in detail about "Hasu no Hana" from sakanaction's 10th single "Sayonara wa Emotion/Hasu no Hana" which releases on 29 October.

Oh, by the way, we received pears from a listener! (Laughs) Because it's one whole box of pears, everyone involved in Sakana LOCKS! will have the pleasure of eating it. It's not me who picked the pears though. (Laughs)

("Hasu no Hana -single version-" plays)

The song you've listened to is sakanaction's "Hasu no Hana -single version-". This "-single version" label is a key point. "Hasu no Hana" is the theme song for the movie "Kinkyori Renai" which opens on 11 October. In short, it's that that we always talk about on this show, the "tie-up". This was made around the time the SAKANATRIBE tour ended. From there, production began, and finished on 28 September. (Laughs) Then and there we did the mixing and final packaging. Because the deadline is 1 month before its release. We really were doing it up until the last minute.

For the me who is clumsy with tie-ups, I trouble over it every time. We make our own songs for the single, so it should also have a story as sakanaction. That story and the story in regards to its actual tie-up such as a movie it is used in - we must bind that two together well. Because, if it's not a good song for the movie, then that also becomes that we're no good as sakanaction. Because it's not effective. It's not a good image. However, if it leans too much towards the movie and is not a good song for sakanaction, that's also another thing. That we have to make the song while keeping that integrity is a really difficult part of tie-ups. Though there are also interesting parts.

This time's song is for "Kinkyori Renai"(lit. Close Range Romance), which means it's romance! And the starring actor is Yamashita Tomohisa. Yamapi! Putting in a sense of friendliness, I'll call him Yamapi. First things first, I was given the opportunity to watch the movie because it was completed, but while it was without any music added on. And, as expected, Yamapi is cool. Seriously, this cool Yamapi would be good singing the theme song. Because Yamapi fans would be happier if Yamapi sang the theme song to end the movie coolly. If I was a Yamapi fan, I'd definitely think "Why isn't Yamapi singing the theme song!?" However, precisely because of that, there must be something they [the movie staff] are seeking, that they came to ask sakanaction. Firstly, being made aware of that, sakanaction began making the song. The argumentative sakanaction went searching deep from that point. In short, it's Yamapi's movie, but because they had requested sakanaction for the theme song, we came to the conclusion it must be they wanted to make the nature of the movie slightly different. That "Kinkyori Renai" is, by no means, a movie of just idols, but also includes things in its contents as a movie. And maybe they wanted sakanaction to express that, is what we wilfully interpreted. So, this means we had to put into the song another story in accordance with the movie... not a story that would only elicit responses of "Yamapi's cool! Yamapi's the best!" What I felt from this movie was that it could furnish the story of another man, and we began producing this song called "Hasu no Hana".

In the beginning, the song was leaning too close to the movie. Before I watched the movie, it was actually leaning even more closely to the movie, to the point that there were lyrics like "baby baby" that I was unaccustomed to. I was doing it in that way because I was bewildered as to what to do. But then I watched the movie, and trying to make something that wasn't snuggled close to the movie but close to a sakanaction-like concept, we made it so that the melody and the lyrics both changed. And the theme was "the man who is watching a spider". I wonder if everyone knows it? There's the story "Kumo no Ito" (lit. Threads of a Spider) by Akutagawa Ryunosuke. We set that as a single modern day story, "Yamapi who is watching a spider"... it sounds weird though when I say it. (Laughs) It landed up that the story of a man who is watching a spider was able to be snuggled close to "Kinkyori Renai".

Well, since you've listened to the song, I think you probably already know, but possibly the movie and the song's image may not fit. But, I wish for you to listen to the song after watching the movie at the cinema. Because you will feel something. And also, this is "Hasu no Hana -movie version-". The "-movie version-" that will play in the movie and the "Hasu no Hana -single version" that is included on the upcoming single are totally different things that was completely rerecorded. The melody and lyrics are the same. Just a portion of the lyrics are different. Really just a portion. "Mousou"(delusion) and "souzou"(imagination). The movie one has the word "souzou" but the CD one has the word "mousou". I want everyone to think about the reason behind it. The movie version will only be released digitally, but you can already buy it from iTunes at 250 yen for the one song. I really would like you to listen to it, even if just the sample preview, just do. I want people to listen to it. The single version has the drum sounds unprocessed as part of its arrangement. On top of that the singing is also rerecorded. Almost everything was rerecorded. We have the tracks that we're using, but we replaced a substantial amount. However, the impression of both songs are very close. The listeners of Sakana LOCKS! would definitely be able to discern the differences between the two by comparing, so please listen, and if you send your thoughts on it, I'd be happy.

"Hasu no Hana" is really something we made being very picky with it. It is a really good song. Also I think we will broadcast "Sayonara wa Emotion" some weeks later, before the release, on Sakana LOCKS! as well. I would also like you guys to listen to it as soon as possible! Because personally for me "Sayonara wa Emotion" is the real single. I want you guys to hear it quickly as this song brings out sakanaction's story pronouncedly. Until then, please immerse yourself in the world of "Hasu no Hana" and compare the single and movie versions. Also, calling it a "-single version-" is a main point. Because it's possible that when we release an album it'll become an "-album version-". Because we steadily continue arranging songs. I would like you to anticipate "Hasu no Hana" being remade again as an album version.

Well, making music is really interesting. No matter what form it may be. Whether it is a tie-up or it is not, I really feel happiness having everyone listen. And in this way having everyone listen to music, sakanaction will face music sincerely with all our might, so that we can enjoy music with everyone. Please continue to treat us well from now on too.



  1. Thank you very much.I really enjoyed reading and could understand many things about the upcoming single.

  2. Thank you so very much for translating this!
