Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Boku to Hana" full version to be revealed!

Frontman Yamaguchi Ichiro said earlier on the Sakana LOCKS! radio program that for the first time, the full version of "Boku to Hana" will be revealed!

Come this Wednesday, the full version of "Boku to Hana" will be played on TOKYO FM's SCHOOL OF LOCK! program. This means anytime from 10PM JST onwards, so be sure to tune in!


As a side note, you will notice this blog now has a Twitter widget on the sidebar. I decided to start it because sometimes there are small updates that don't really need a post, hence the Twitter will be good for that. Since it's also displayed here, you don't have to specially follow it. However, if you want to, of course you can! ^_^

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