Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sakanaction for Space Shower TV Station ID

Sakanaction is now featured on SPACE SHOWER TV's station ID! Check out the video above.

As with most promotional materials, it only features frontman Yamaguchi Ichiro. The background music used is the yet-untitled new song that's been used in the Mode School commercials. Yamaguchi does hand gestures in the video to seem as if he is controlling the movement of the lights. These lights are actually NINJAR LIGHTS, the same LED lights used during the performance of "years" in the DocumentaLy tour Makuhari Messe live.

The concept of the station ID is "music as a real existence". To symbolize "people" and "sound", the lights move in synchronisation with Yamaguchi, depicting the appearance of sensitivity to the music.

(If you don't know what a station ID is, it's basically a short reminder of which channel you're on, and usually done in a stylish manner or creatively to brand the channel as such. This is why at the end of the video, the SPACE SHOWER TV logo pops in and covers Yamaguchi.)

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